Budget Perspectives: Proceedings of Conference held on the 9 October 2001

October 1, 2001

Budget 2002: The Macroeconomic Context and Appropriate Fiscal Stance: The changing macroeconomic background in which Budget 2002 must be framed is set out. The appropriate stance for budgetary policy as the economy moves towards lower growth rates are assessed including consideration of the best mix between tax cuts and expenditure increases.European and International Constraints on Irish Fiscal Policy: The increasing role of internationally imposed constraints on Irish budgetary policy is explored. The difficulties in meeting the high profile EU Broad Economic Policy Guidelines and the role of the Stability and Growth Pact as part of EMU membership are considered. Income Tax and Social Welfare Policy - Some Current Issues: The impact of recent budgetary policy on the incomes of families at all income levels is examined. The analysis draws out links with the poverty-proofing provisions of the National Anti-Poverty Strategy and considers possible options for Budget 2002. Reform and Renewal of the Irish Health System - Policy and Practice: The author examines key issues for consideration within the framework of a new strategic plan for the future development of the Irish health system against the backdrop of the exceptional growth in exchequer investment and plummeting confidence in the public health system. Recent health expenditure trends are assessed in both the Irish and international contexts.